Our Dogs

This is Summer (Valleyrise Inspiration at Maplecoombe).
Summer is our first Kooikerhondje. She is very laid back (for a Kooiker!), loves walkies and exploring, and food! She is an intelligent girl who loves training and learning new tricks. Summer exhibits regularly in conformation shows handled by Vicky.
Summer was born in the very hot summer of 2018. She was bred by Claire Johnson (Valleyrise) who we are so grateful to for the wonderful start in life she had and for trusting us with such a precious soul. Thanks also to Christina Suiter (Genetika) for answering our many questions and introducing us to Claire. Summer's mum is Inka (Sensation Vom Tespelkooi of Valleyrise) and her dad is Okto (Chriskooi's Octavius at Genetika). Claire imported Inka from Germany and Christina brought Okto into the UK from Estonia - a truly international pairing!

This is Trinity (Gladsheim Savanna at Maplecoombe).
Trinity is Summer's niece and is 3 years younger. She is a joyful, playful girl for whom everything is a game! She particularly enjoys training and playing at tricks for food rewards! She brings laughter and fun to every situation. Trinity exhibits regularly at conformation shows handled by Derek.
Trinity was born in May 2021, bred by Sara Williams (Gladsheim). She was the only girl in her litter and we are so happy Sara trusted us with her! Trinity's mum is Nika (Gladsheim Arunika) and her dad is Rummy (Genetika Rumpelstiltskin). Rummy is Summer's half brother as Okto is his father, making our two girls aunty and niece.